Foto: Amy Harris/Invision via AP/dpa

Endgültiges Aus für Aerosmith

Band sagt Abschiedstour ab und beendet Bühnenkarriere
Sonntag, 4. August 2024

Schlechte Nachrichten für alle Aerosmith-Fans. Wie die Band am Samstag, 3. August, in einem Statement verkündete, wird sie ihre aktive Bühnenkarriere beenden.

Stimmverletzung von Steven Tyler zu schwer

Gemeinsam mit ihren Fans wollte die Band auf der Farewell Tour ihre 50 Jahre dauernde Karriere feiern. Doch die Stimmverletzung von Frontmann Steven Tyler erwies sich als zu schwer. Leider sei eine vollständige Genesung ausgeschlossen.

Schweren Herzens sagte die Band die Tour nun komplett ab. Fans, die bereits Tickets haben, bekommen ihr Geld zurück.



Das ausführliche Statement der Band:

It was 1970 when a spark of inspiration became Aerosmith. Thanks to you, our Blue Army, that spark caught flame and has been burning for over five decades. Some of you have been with us since the beginning and all of you are the reason we made rock ‘n’ roll history.

It has been the honor of our lives to have our music become part of yours.  In every club, on every massive tour and at moments grand and private you have given us a place in the soundtrack of your lives.

We’ve always wanted to blow your mind when performing.  As you know, Steven’s voice is an instrument like no other.  He has spent months tirelessly working on getting his voice to where it was before his injury.  We’ve seen him struggling despite having the best medical team by his side. Sadly, it is clear, that a full recovery from his vocal injury is not possible. We have made a heartbreaking and difficult, but necessary, decision - as a band of brothers - to retire from the touring stage.

We are grateful beyond words for everyone who was pumped to get on the road with us one last time. Grateful to our expert crew, our incredible team and the thousands of talented people who’ve made our historic runs possible. A final thank you to you - the best fans on planet Earth.  Play our music loud, now and always.  Dream On. You’ve made our dreams come true.

Wir wünschen Steven Tyler gute Besserung und der Band alles Gute!
